Developers section
This is the developers section. Since it is often under rework, it is only available in English.
Our robots are public: everyone can see what is inside and how they are built and reuse innovations they contain. Here you can find every technical information about our robot:
- mechanical design
- electronic schematics
- software sources
Enjoy and do not hesitate to contact us for any question!
Technical Overview
See Technical Overview for an introduction to interesting technical points of our robots.
If you are news to APBTeam, read it to see quickly what we do!
Details and work places
Eurobot 2012: Guybrush
Analog: technical documentation about analog electronic board
Digital: technical documentation about digital electronic board
- Motor control board (asserv)
- "Artificial intelligence" board (ai)
- Development board: board for programming and debugging other digital boards through USB
- Mini-Motor control board
- Triangulation systems (from beacon) (current chosen solution)
- Triangulation systems (from robot)
- Time Difference of Arrival systems
- Polar systems using angle to find distance
- Servo Beacon: servomotor-based beacon system with ultrasonic measure
- [FR] Radiofrequency beacon system: gonio-based beacon system with RF waves
- [FR] Radioactive beacon system: was a joke for April fool's
Host: software tools running on a PC station (not embedded)
- Robot Simulator: simulates the behaviour of the robot on the table
Project management
Eurobot 2011: Robospierre
Eurobot 2010: Marcel
- [FR] Compte-rendu
- Artificial intelligence
- [FR] Bac à sable
Eurobot 2009: everything related to AquaJim, the temple builder robot
- [FR] Solution mécanique
- [FR] Strategie
- [FR] Compte-rendu
- Artificial intelligence
Eurobot 2008: Mission to Mars archives
Administration of the team
- [FR] Association Loi 1901
- [FR] Statuts
- [FR] Règlement Intérieur
- [FR] Association Loi 1901
Access to sources
- APBTeam git repository:
- SI2E SVN snapshoot (old, when we were young...):
- SI2E CVS snapshoot (older, when we were even younger...):