The Team
APBTeam is composed of about 10 active members. Many of them are ancient students of "EFREI Robotique" or "AIR ISEP". The others, a growing part, have progressively join the existing core from many different horizons.
Most members work in electronics or IT. Their professional experience and skills are quite complementary and are useful to the team!
Leading staff of APBTeam
- President: Nicolas Schodet
- Treasurer: Florent Duchon
- Secretary: Thomas Lambert & Marie-Eve Schodet
Roles in the Team
- Baptiste Perraudin (philiiip'): analog electronics
- Clément Demonchy (Kermit): cabling and system administrator
- Florent Duchon (Flow): mechanical and electronics
- Frédéric Denis (Fred): mechanical design manager
- Guillaume Milan: software developer
- Jérôme Jutteau (Mojo): software developer
- Marie-Eve Schodet: soldering and logistics
- Maxime Hadjinlian: software developer
- Nicolas Schodet (Ni): technical, software and electronics manager
- Olivier Lanneluc: software developer
- Thomas Lambert (Marcel): mechanicals
Previous members and Greets
- Alexandre Stanislawski: AI developer (+ Mr. Bisounours!)
- Fleur-Mélusine Bouron: poster and documents manager
- Gautier Boillot: beacon mechanical
- Guillaume Chevillot (Kiki): electronics and low-level software
- Guy Schodet: the Dad, expert in mechanicals
- Jérémy Dufour (Dje): AI developer
- Julien Balleyguier : software developer
- Nicolas Haller (Gaasmann): AI developer
- Nélio Laranjeiro: software developer + movie maker
- Pierre Fargier: software developer
- Pierre Prot (PP): electronics
- Pierre-André Galmes (Pedro): project leader (+ dictator and executioner!)
- Romain Dalmais (Capt'ain): electronics (+ rocket-launcher manager!)